Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Rima's Mutant Brother - a family of performing freaks?

written by Doublethink 5/5/08

You gotta luv the audacious duplicity of midget Rima and her brother Imaan. On the one hand they are big on "I want to be seen as a person, not just for my height", yet both of them exploit the "oddness" of their miniscule stature.

Rima pops up as a toy ballerina as if she was a human musical box & her belly dancing is of no qualitative value if it were not for her lack of height.

Imaan, Rima's brother is a performer in a Freak Show....The Mutant Barnyard...performing in the Garden of Unearthly Delights during the Festival Fringe in Adelaide. I saw the tent and it was advertised as a good 'ol Freak Show, a midget out the front with a megaphone spruiking for business. Instead I went to the "Badass Burlesque" in the tent next door.

Can you have it both ways?.....I'm a sensitive human being trying to challenge people's stereotypes of "little people"....and by the way...I work at the The Mutant Barnyard

1 comment:

snapperhead74 said...

OMG its a mini Dave Groll!!!!