Thursday, May 1, 2008

Cory Worthington and the call for legalised infanticide

Written by Doublethink ( 25/4/08 )

A recent Newspoll taken after the Cory Worthington incident asked the question "Should there be a return to legalised infanticide?" Surprisingly 89% of the people said yes. Now that Cory is mooted to be entering Big Brother it has risen to 95%.

Why is it that Australians want to kill this child?

The simple answer is that Australains detest him because Cory reminds them of their dull compromised lives. How dare Cory thumb his nose to the media, the police and his parents.

We all want to beat the bejesus out of him, but for what?...being a dumb irresponsible minor? That's exactly what he should be and I think good on him for doing what he did and getting away with it. It will be his one moment of glory riding the chaos and anarchy of the media circus and winning.

So what the fuck is Big Brother trying to do by getting him to enter the BB house in some ultra lame "Gatecrashers" event? Cory entering the Big Brother house is a mistake simply because it is a staged event. There will be no chaos, no anarchy... Cory will not trash the place, Cory will not do a single controversial thing.

It'll be the lamest publicity stunt ever on BB. Done purely for creating media interest with no desire to give us fans of BB anything worth watching. Cory at the best of times is an inarticulate dipshit with nothing to offer other than saying "fuck you" to the world and this is exactly what BB wont allow him to do.

I call on everyone to really give Big Brother a "Cory Worthington" moment. Let's start a SMS campaign to send thousands of unruly drunken kids to the Big Brother compound and try to gate crash the event. Let's wreck the place, let's wreck the "Gatecrashers" event, let's get arrested, let's have the media call for the show to be axed and also call for the producers to be sacked.

Let's cause anarchy, let's really cause some chaos in the spirit of Cory Worthington!

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