Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sophia Loren and Big Brother are now married

"I can't get my head around people wanting to watch wannabes simply sleeping or having insane conversations or, worse still, sitting up all night on the off-chance two idiots may have sex."

With these few words Sophia Loren, today became married to Big Brother. Married in a loose sense, not the holy matrimony kind. So don't expect later tonight the bulbous figure of Big Brother is going to climb onto the fragile 73 year old actress's frame and crack six of her ribs. No, it's not that kind of's a marriage of association for the purpose of exploitation.

Sophia Loren stated her opinion....ooops sorry gotta call it by the correct media term "slammed Big Brother" (Celebrity news) and that was more than enough for the story to end up in the Adelaide Confidential promoting Big Brother. That's right promoting Big Brother?

"Somnambulistic wannabes, insane dialoge" watched by insomniacs, borderline perverts and panty-sniffers hoping to see "on the off-chance two idiots may have sex" is exactly the key words to build a puff piece around Big Brother Australia?


Steve said...

Sophia Loren used to be stunning and she still is. Dammit there is no comparison between her and ugly oaf like KRIS NOBLE!

Jeez, she only had an opinion on the format, I don't see the "slamming", jeez that media makes me wanna puke my guts out sometimes.

Anonymous said...


Grand Brainless news! A MUCH better venue for your stories than BBBQ... will keep me amused all season no doubt.

Steph said...

What awesome norks! I bet they're silicone free too.

Memphis said...

Ooh ooh, more pictures of Sophia Loren's young tits, please!