Friday, January 11, 2008

A Homunculus is on his way to Big Brother

Greetings and Salutations my fellow oblivion seekers, I have it on good authority that the first Homunculus is on his way to Big Brother. The diminutive Kyle Sandilands personally stepped in to pick one of the three Homunculi auditioning this year to go to the next round of auditions. Jeremy, 23 of Victoria made it into the top 100 and will soon be reaching for the stars.
You can check out this fighting mite's video here

The other 2 Homunculi, Christopher and Kevin barely registered on the collective psyche of the voting illiterati. All three should go in if you ask me. For years I have lobbied unsuccessfully for a Homunculus to enter the Big Brother house and now I am excited to the point of delirium that my dream is one small step closer to becoming a Reality TV reality. I'm also especially happy to justify the writing of the word Homunculus or it's plural 6 times in quick succession.

1 comment:

tronno said...

you finally succeeded! good work! :D
