Saturday, January 12, 2008

Getting to know Big Brother's co-host Kyle Sandilands

10 Things you didn't know about Kyle Sandilands

1. Kyle talks to fridge magnets

2. Kyle is very short, about the same height as a domestic cat rearing up on it's hind legs.

3. Kyle's belly button is in the middle of his back.

4. Kyle lost all his teeth in a school fight and his family could only afford to buy him a set of wooden teeth.

5. With wooden teeth Kyle pursued a career in radio, using his first paycheck for a down-payment on some new chompers.

6. No one has ever seen Kyle naked, not even his doctor.

7. Kyle makes his own butter.

8. Kyle believes it's better to receive than to give.

9. Kyle places a thimble over every fly that dies in his house. Currently there are over 600 thimbles scattered around his home.

10. Kyle cannot fart in the same room as a canary.


Steph said...

lmao! I really hope he reads this, he may fall out of his platform shoes in anger.

Poor little guy.

Anonymous said...

I can't stand the critter, doubt at all if he'll grow on me with BB08.
Jackie O is mildly better, but the biggest fame whore since starting off in that "Aussie Princess" show.

Guess the new producer and SSE must think they are credible to carry 08 off? Beats me!

Anonymous said...

Not having much luck over at BBBA Brainless. Bit like myself.

Karma has it's own way of firing back!

Making the Simple Difficult said...

Steph, Kyle will need to have it read to him, illiteracy is a curse!

Arita, Kyle & Jackee Zero will kill Big Brother once and forever...God Bless them ;)

BBBA banned me for very good reasons, such as my very existence and I am sorry to hear you too have that problem :)

Steph said...

Arita, You need to get over it big time.
We're not talking about a life or death event, or world changing crisis, we are talking about a Big Brother forum.

Why is it the end of the world for you if you're not allowed there?

All this crap about "karma" biting people. It is JUST a message board.

Making the Simple Difficult said...

I have to admit that Steph is a 100% right.

Also, BBBA isn't the topic here and people mentioning that forum once is enough. So Steph, Arita & Derspatz've had your say :)

Anonymous said...

Steph, over it a long time ago, lets be real.

Now back to BB et al...